UPDATE: as of 5 March 2016 this mystery al is complete. The pattern will be available in our shop after 6 March with proceeds going to support our team member Hannah 

Aloha You Guys!

Some of you were real sports about my first periscope segment** sharing a mystery knit a long---and I am super thankful for that!

Here's the scoop:

I love Hannah. She is the awesome creative gal who graces the cover of our second issue DWELL. She's had better days, and we want to bring more of them to her...in soft knitted hats! (I promise to share more of her story this weekend, but for now here is the quick version: She is young (25) and is having brain surgery (to remove a portion of her brain) and it is happening soon (March 10-17). She doesn't knit...but she has an army of knitters here that can knit whatever bit of magic she needs.

So I am sharing with you an opportunity to knit a special hat, or two...or three... and do it with me as I share little bits and ideas and encouragement along the way on Periscope.

All the details can be emailed to you...

and it sounds and looks much more professional once it lands in your inbox--I pinky promise!

This opportunity is seriously not just a chance for us to give a gift to Hannah, who is already excited about sharing lots of hats with others she meets at the hospital...it is also a way for me to selfishly force myself in to a happier spot. It sucks when life can't be lovely and easy for everyone. This PeriscopeMysteryKnitA Long (PMKAL) is my selfish way of trying to do something positive with some incredible people (YOU!) in the hopes of making LOTS of us feel better.

Feel better

knitting a hat for Hannah

Or for yourself

Or for people in your local area

or whatever!

Want to be a part of this and get the pattern clues delivered to your inbox each time they are added? {You will need to head over to our shop for a copy now that the KAL is complete!}

And yup! there will definitely be more info headed your way via email to cover specifics if you want to get your hat to Hannah!

And before I go, can I just tell you how much you being a part of my world means? It means so, so much. I am very thankful to you!

With love and aloha,


and if you want to share this with others....DO IT! The hat pattern is so fun! I can't wait to show you!

**and if you are looking for me on Periscope I am MSkiKnits